Bye 2009 and Hello 2010.
Whoa~ That was fast. I can still remember what had happened to me this whole year.
Every details... Even the smallest details I can still remember it.XD LOL
The start of 2009 was good. One of the highlights is that I started to get hooked with Super Junior. What a good start~ LOL. I changed SuJu guy from time to time. Until I stopped at Sungmin Lee, and Im fine with him~ XD
Everything was fine until June. June was a rough month not only to me but to my family.
Mama [my grandma] passed away. I was sooooo DAMN HARD to wake up every morning and not seeing someone at the sala waving at you during breakfast. I always feel sad to go home coz I know no one will ask me if I have eaten already. It's not fun to watch Sorry,Sorry MV anymore if she is not my watching buddy. It's really hard to lose a love one. But time taught me how to accept. Mama is up there, happily watching over me. ^^
On the bright side. [LOL]. I still have my daddy, mommy, sibs and friends. Hehehehe...
Uhmmm.... what else had happen to me....
Well, the fangirling continued and continued up to the next level.
Oh. The MIN presents that I got last bday.
Whaaa~~ So love it.
[Zaty, i'll show u the other soon. I m just lazy to post pics. XD and the guns~ LOL]
Oh..~Oh..~ One of the highlights is the SHINee and Key moment. Gonna remember that forever. =)
Im excited what's in store for me this 2010. But I wsh evryone good health and wealth. XD
hahahaha. SEOUL, Korea. Here I come~!!!!! ^__*
Happy Birthday SUNGMIN OPPA. ^^
At last I can call you Oppa again. XD
Whoa. Even if it's impossible for you to read my messages, Im out of words now~ LOL
OK. Im so happy to know Super Junior ..SuJu has been my stress reliever. And I cannot imagine i've been crazy about you guys for a year now. Being crazy over you is worth it. I don't regret admiring someone like LEE SUNGMIN coz it's reasonable.
It's fun to discover new things about you. It made me fall inlove with you day after day.[oh~ such a fangirl. Sorry]
I still don't know how... But in my eyes, you stand out the most.
[People spare me if Im fangirling like hell like these, spare me]
Sorry to spoil MIN's Bday moment. Ok I'll calm myself~
SUNGMIN wish u all the best in life. All the happiness and success.Good health to you and your family and to SuJu too. Oh... and also to Hyaku. ^^
Hope u'll have more projects with the band and hope u guys stick together forever~
Lovelife?? Well, u have me already. LOL. [Now Im dead]
SUNGMIN, Happy Birthday.My God Bless you and your family always.
Love yah .XOXOXOXO.
Before I forgot.
I envy you coz you have the same Bday as MIN.Jade, be good always. Love you~ ♥
God bless. ^^